Will I Ever Stop Learning?
It is very common that most people would look for another job when they are no longer learning anything new or feel stagnant in their current jobs. This is inevitably so for young people. Regardless of how nice their bosses or colleagues were, or the benefits a company provides, if they find themselves stagnant in their work, they would likely be moving on. It seemed like we had never stop learning from the moment we were born; and the moment we stop learning, we stop growing.
However, it may not be in our natural instinct to apply the same rule to our spiritual life. We could be comfortable in our church and in the area that we are serving, and remain at the same spiritual level for the next 10 years.
My husband, Clovis, would always ask this question: “How have we grown spiritually as compared to the past year?” This question always challenges me not just to know God more, but to desire to contribute more in His kingdom. I would be challenged to think about what else could we do and what other impact we could make. How can we be better equipped to serve Him better? Also, very importantly, how can we help others to learn and grow?
The questions above are what I would ask myself each year. I do not want to only be learning in my job and learning how to be a good wife and mother. I want to be growing and learning spiritually as well.
Are there training or equipping classes being offered at your church or a ministry? Are you prompted by the Holy Spirit to go to a Bible school or take on part-time lessons for improve your skills in ministry work? If you know that the Holy Spirit is nudging you, I would encourage you to just go for it. It would never hurt to be more equipped and trained for His work.
This is just a simple reminder to all of us that we should never be satisfied at where we are in our spiritual walk, regardless of the spiritual “height” we assumed we have attained. Let us continue to pursue God, the knowledge of His Word and His works.
“The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge,
And the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.”
Proverbs 18:15 (NKJV)
God bless you,
Elina Er
Head (Events), The Encounter